sabato 10 dicembre 2011

Technology helps new parents remaining cool.

New parents use technology and social network in a way that is helping them keep their contacts and friendship.
Indeed blogging twittwing and posting is keeping their social life alive.

In the past getting married or having kids meant saying goodbye to the old single friends and looking for other ones in the same position.
That was because keeping in touch takes time and meeting up becomes pretty difficult when the “needs” are different.

But now in just few minutes parents can share the photos of their kids, chatting with some friends and commenting their nights out. Staying in touch with their friends has become easy.

Moreover, a lot of parents use to have blogs. I noticed this when I opened my own blog and I started to look for other blogs to follow.
The web, Blogger in particular, is full of parents posting loads of family photos, sharing tips that worked for them, talking about the new cartoon trends and how their kids are driving them crazy (without stopping being adorable).

I believe that blogs and social networks can now be used as a tool to get in touch with parents and spread Advertising messages to them in the way they prefer: showing  products with photos and explaining how and why they worked trying to generate a genuine word of mouth. It could easily happen if brands start to send free samples of the product to the most popular and influential bloggers

I can’t stop being surprised about the power technology has of changing the human behaviour.

lunedì 14 novembre 2011

A spray that makes every surface idrophobic!

It looks like a magician trik, but it's actually true.
Thanks to this spray liquids don't even stop on surfaces!

Beyond a visual actrativeness, it could revolutionate our daily lives. Every thing would be dirt-proof; from things inside our homes (what about bed sheets or kitchens? indeed it has also an antibacterial advantage) to external uses!
For instance it would be so useful for car drivers, (there are already
idrophobic road surfaces, very expensive tough) the visibility would alway be perfect; or for sailors or
 or snorkeling...the uses will be simply infinite!

In one of the test an iphone was in water for 30 minutes without any damage. All my techonology items would be myself-proof!

Can't wait for it! Perhaps a nicer packaging would be appreciated! ;)

lunedì 24 ottobre 2011

Trying to listen to myself.

Eyes lost in the sea.

Today I was in the right mood to listen to myself, in the right mood to realize something I see even if it's not real.

The necklace of Princss Leila in Star Wars!

This is an old necklace I got form my mother...I simply love it!
Yesterday I watched Star Wars and...
I have exactly the same necklace! :D

sabato 17 settembre 2011

Facebook Subscribe button or "How FB copies Twitter"

Apparently Facebook is trying to become more similar to Twitter, his competitor.

Indeed FB introduced the "Subscribe Button" that permits to follow the statuses and the pics of celebrities and people we admire but we are not (FB) friends of.
And this is kind of exactly what Twitter does, isn't it? Twitter permits you to follow posts, photos and links of people you don't know directly and also of people you know.

Now the question: How Twitter will react to this?

venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Google Traslator beat-boxes! :D

This is somthing that enlightened my afternoon! 
Go to this link, press  "listen" and you'll hear Google beatboxing! :)|de|pv%20zk%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%20kz%20zk%20pv%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%20zk%20pzk%20pzk%20pvzkpkzvpvzk%20kkkkkk%20bsch%0A%0A

I  guess how this kind of weird miracles could be used in useful ways..! :)
Looking for ispiration

martedì 13 settembre 2011

My possibly neverending wallpaper

The original photo

Web series: how Advertising will approach this?

A web series is a series of episodes released on the Internet or also by mobile or cellular phone (Wikipedia).
Web series are a new reason to avoid buying a TV. They are free, they are fun and they are available in every moment of the day. Waiting hours to see the favourite program looks old as B/W Television was.

 One successful example of Web series is  Lisa Kudrow’s latest deconstruction of 21st-century self-absorption, “Web Therapy,” which just resumed its third. But you’re probably not reading or hearing about them anywhere but online.

An episode of Web Therapy with Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox (who were both in the TV serie "Friends")
 I was looking on the web to find the 1st episode and I found this link (I found some others at this  link). HILARIOUS.

The first Advert connected to this show is a questionnaire to fill to unlock the episode.
It gives the chance to win an Apple product but is diminish the desire to watch the episode. 
It made me realize there should be smarter adverts connected to webseries, that are growing very fastly. For instance, they could easily target students, who don't have money to buy a television (not provided by most of the students' campuses) and watch hundreds of episodes streaming online.

Another form of Advertising through Series are banners; I don't think they work for me because yes, they make me aware of the Advertised Brand, but is it enough? There is no emotional connection at all.

There are more news about Web series here on these website

martedì 16 agosto 2011

Dissertation Perfect Music

August 16th. I'm veeeeery depressed about it. In some way this song cheers me up. Maybe there is still hope...

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011

Dissertation time or "How to kill your creativity asking you to copy references"

August 10th. Napoli. It's bloody warm
Ourside my wondow I can see any cars. Everybody is swimming somewhere and comparing their tans.
My Mac is playing this song and I feel like a character of a CLint Eastwood movie and the bad is my Dissertation. You little bastard. Until you are alive I cannot join the sun.

And of course my mother is a professor and she keeps editing my Dissertation, everyday some new grammar corrections. I feel  adolescent again. The istinct of playing the game is SO strong.

Sad thing is my Dissertation topic is about In-Game Advertising, both fun elements!
English Dissertations can make boring even games :(

Today I was looking at a "Best selling games list" but unlucklily, I found two versions of the same facts on 2 different websties and I cannot access to the orginal source. I felt like a kid during his arents'sdivorce: I was not able to understand who to believe to!!

Wish me good luck please! I'll need it...

sabato 16 luglio 2011

Fiori macchiati -Stained flowers

Vorrei abbracciati forte, fino a fonderci, fino a sentire le tue lacrime  cadere non più all'esterno delle tue guance, ma che si riversano dentro di me.

Voglio racchiuderci in una sfera rosea ed ovattata. Come luce percepita ad occhi chiusi.

Vorrei abbracciarti e farmi sentire, e riscaldarti e amarti e ucciderti. Uccidere la te triste che non voglio conoscere. Che non voglio riconoscere.

Voglio salvarti da un dolore che non è giusto, che è troppo grande e bastardo.

Un serpente che avvelena un fiore. Io voglio succhiare via il veleno a boccate. Non so se sto salvando te oppure me.

Salvo me. Perché non posso vivere in un mondo dove anche i fiori subiscono cattiveria.

Provo a  succhiare via il veleno ma questo ti ha già macchiato. Indelebilmente.

Ti scusi perché piangi.


Stained flowers

I want to hug you strongly, tp the point of blending us, to the point of feeling your tears nomore on your cheeks but inside me.

I want to wrap us in a rosy and muffled sphere, similar to light perceived with close eyes.

I want to hug you and make me be felt by you, and warm you up and love you and kill you. Kill the sad you that I don't know. Who I don't want to know.

I want to save you from an unfair pain, too big and abominable.

A snake poisoning a flower.

I want to suck away its poison.
I don't know if I want to  save you or myself.

I'm saving myself. Because I cannot live in world where even flowers are subjected to wickedness.

I try to remove the poison, but it already stained you. Indelibly.

You apologies because you are crying.

I die.

lunedì 11 luglio 2011

Sleep paralysis (Article from the trustable "Guardian")

Definition of Sleep Paralysis:
Sleep paralysis: A frightening form of paralysis that occurs when a person suddenly finds himself or herself unable to move for a few minutes, most often upon falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis is due to an irregularity in passing between the stages of sleep and wakefulness.

The symptoms of sleep paralysis include sensations of noises, smells, levitation, paralysis, terror, and images of frightening intruders. Once considered very rare, up to half of all people are now believed to experience sleep paralysis sometime during their life. Sleep paralysis is not considered to be a sign of a serious condition, although it can be frightening.

Yesterday night I was so shaken I wanted to look for the medical reason for it. This is a brilliant article I found on the Guardian.

By the time Matthew Jones-Chesters switches off the light, it's late. He's overtired and tense, anxious about the day ahead. Slowly he slips off, but then suddenly he's awake - and he's not alone.
Rooted in bed, he watches as, yet again, the horror unfolds. 'A black shape gathers in the corner of the room, as if from nothing. I can see it, like a huge bat, massive and caped. It fills the room and comes closer and eventually it's around me, cloudy and dark. I feel its pressure and it's holding me and then, under its weight and power, I feel I'm sinking and being dragged down.

'I fight to bring myself back round, but I can't - and this is the awful part - I can't because I'm totally paralysed. The best I can do is make a noise in my throat in the hope I'll bring myself round. It's horrible.

'Every few months, Dr Jones-Chesters, 30, endures this nocturnal torture. A neuropsychologist who works for North Essex Mental Health, he knows perfectly well he isn't being visited by devils, ghosts or anything from the realms of the X Files. But that doesn't make the experience any less spine chilling, and it's only mildly comforting to know that it has a name.Sleep paralysis is perhaps one of the last closet conditions. Few admit they have it, for fear of being labelled mentally ill or scaring off potential friends and lovers. But the chances are those friends and lovers have had similar experiences, too, for sleep paralysis (SP) is remarkably common.Various studies all over the world have shown that between 25 and 40 per cent of the general population have experienced SP at least once. One study in Japan - a country where much of the research has taken place - surveyed 8,162 people and found that just under 40 per cent had experienced SP. Thirty per cent of 870 university students surveyed by the psychology department of the University of Waterloo in Canada, another centre which takes an interest in sleep paralysis, had experienced at least one episode, and a recent survey at Goldsmiths College, London, showed that 40 per cent of a sample of undergraduates had had the experience at some stage.The 1990 International Classification of Sleep Disorders reports that sleep paralysis happens all the time to people with the sleep disorder narcolepsy, is a once or twice in a lifetime event for 40 to 60 per cent of the population, and is frequent in about three to six per cent of the rest of us. 

This means that in Britain, around 3m people could be experiencing once or twice a week what Dr Jones-Chesters endures every couple of months.'It's a very profound and frightening experience,' says Dr Chris French, a psychologist at Goldsmiths who specialises in the psychology of paranormal experiences and is collecting data on sleep paralysis. 

'People are very reluctant to talk about it, either because they think it really is an alien or nocturnal visitation, or because they think they are going mad. The truth is, though, that it's a very, very unpleasant experience, but certainly not indicative of any serious long-term psychological problems.'Sleep paralysis usually happens when someone is just entering or leaving sleep, and lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. 

Most research has linked it with REM, or rapid eye movement, sleep which indicates dreaming. When the body and brain enter REM sleep, the muscles relax and the brain blocks signals that would normally allow the limbs to move, so preventing the body from acting out its dreams.

One suggestion for the cause of sleep paralysis is that the firewall between sleeping and wakefulness temporarily drops, so that some sleep phenomena, of which paralysis is one, breaks into wakefulness.'The connection with the environment switches on and the dream world off and you become self-aware and awake and wanting to go - and then you find you can't,' explains psychologist and pharmacologist Dr Chris Idzkowski, director of the Sleep Assessment Advisory Service. 'Which, in turn, is likely to lead to your being anxious and fearful.'But what about the visitations? Are they brought about by fear or are they dreams seeping into reality? If so, why are they always so gruesome? Why isn't Matthew Jones-Chesters visited by a magnificent angel?These questions have taxed Dr Al Cheyne from the University of Waterloo, one of the leading researchers into the phenomenon. He says recent evidence from neuroimaging studies during REM shows that the amygdala and several related limbic structures in the brain - the centre of our emotional being - are active during REM sleep. These structures are associated with instinctual responses, including fear, and what is called the 'threat-activated vigilance system'. This is thought to be activated by subtle cues for threat, which the system then attempts to corroborate by searching for further cues for danger. Such cues are especially active during anxiety dreams and nightmares and probably stimulate unpleasant memories, including culturally conventional images of threat, such as ghosts and aliens.'The fear of undetected threat is exacerbated because the person is awake, paralysed and usually in a helpless, supine position,' says Dr Cheyne. 'These are hardly circumstances to generate pleasant hallucinations. This throws up ghostly images. The conventional Grim Reaper and other hooded figures are popular - some people have even seen Darth Vadar.'Along with the hallucinations are feelings of being touched, pulled or a pressure on the chest. Some people even have out of body (OBE) experiences, though this is rare and often a sign of impending narcolepsy.Sarah, 25, had her first OBE experience when she was a student in Edinburgh. She now works with adults with learning disabilities and prefers not to reveal her surname. 'It just happened one night. I was falling asleep and my heart started pounding and I started floating upwards. I couldn't move. I was getting closer and closer to the ceiling, looking up, not down. I screamed inwardly to go down, and I did, but went straight through the bed, through the floor and down to the kitchen. It was incredibly frightening.'Once there was something awful and cloaked sitting on my armchair. Another time, I could see a pair of hands. All the time I thought there was something trying to get me, some deviant, awful thing trying to get me.'Sleep paralysis usually starts between the ages of 16 and 17. It increases dramatically through the teens and declines sharply during the twenties. It's comparatively rare after the thirties, but some people report episodes well into their seventies. 'You can't overlook the fact that adolescents are among the most sleep- deprived people in the population,' says Dr Cheyne. 'Sleep deprivation and disruption is a fairly effective way to increase the probability of sleep paralysis.'So common is sleep paralysis among shift workers that it is known as 'night-nurse paralysis', named not after the flu remedy, but the frequent reports of sleep paralysis among nurses doing night shifts. Lying on the back is supposed to increase the likelihood of an episode, but there is no link with anxiety, panic disorder or any other mental condition.There is, however, a genetic link. Akosua Serbeh-Baah, 20, a third-year psychology student at Goldsmiths and one of Dr French's students, suffers from sleep paralysis, as does her mother. Once you have experienced one attack, the fear that you might have another predisposes you to have more. Sufferers are consequently plagued by insomnia. But despite the unremitting nature of the condition, few sleep specialists take an interest in it, mainly because sleep paralysis, though debilitating, is essentially harmless. Few GPs, if any, have even heard about it.Consequently, those who live in terror of the night often keep quiet for fear of being labelled unstable. Sleep paralysis is one step away from mental health problems and for men, in particular, a sign that you can't deal with your sleep, as you should, along with everything else in your life.Dr Susan Blackmore, a research psychologist and visiting lecturer at the University of the West of England, carried out a large study between 1996 and 1999 of 'paranormal' experiences, most of which clearly fell within the definition of sleep paralysis. After she was interviewed on the radio about her findings, she was deluged with letters from grateful listeners. 'The most touching letter I got was from a young woman who said her boyfriend had asked her to marry him lots of times, but she didn't want to because she was afraid she was mentally ill. She kept getting this thing and she never dared tell anybody about it. Now she knew what it was and that it had a name and that it was perfectly normal, she was going to marry him.'Why the ignorance? 'It's transient, infrequent, never fatal and it's only rarely that people are affected by it,' explains Dr Adrian Williams, a consultant physician and director of the Sleep Disorders Centre at St Thomas's Hospital. 'Most GPs would refer these people on to a neurologist, or to one of the few sleep clinics.'But others, says Dr Blackmore, get referred to psychiatrists and misdiagnosed with mental health problems and prescribed drugs. 'This is tragic, because you don't need medication,' she says.This is not entirely true. Severe sleep paralysis can be treated successfully with Prozac-type anti-depressants which inhibit REM sleep, but sometimes the most effective way to deal with it is to understand what it is and develop techniques for waking yourself or your partner.'The vicious circle can be broken through by knowing what it is and being reassured that lots of people have it and you are not alone,' says Dr French.But for those with sleep paralysis, waking up is indeed hard to do. Akosua Serbeh-Baah manages to move a finger to flip her into wakefulness. Dr Jones-Chesters makes a noise in his throat in the hope that he'll bring himself round. It usually works.Sarah decided that she was going to have fun. Instead of her nocturnal wanderings along the cornices and through the floorboards of her Edinburgh house, she went to bed one night, determined to float around Scotland's magnificent capital. 'I decided this could be really cool and I could float around the city and enjoy myself. Of course, it stopped and I've never had it again.'· 

Dr Idzikowski's website, which gives general information on sleep disorders, is at To contact the Sleep Advisory Service, phone 02892 622266.

domenica 10 luglio 2011

Charming weird candies

There are several advantages of having a friend working in a candy shop; you can "try" all the candies you want, watching estatic people and make fun of all weird candies there are on the market.

These are weird spry candies (I don't really see the point of them)

I thought Toxic Wastes were unpopular but actually kids like them...

They do sell temporary tongue tatoos!! It is my friend and me living the 10 seconds tongue-tatoo-experience.

  And these are Bacon Chewing gums from USA I found on the web...

I have to amit Candies Creators/Sellers/Companies (I don't really know who think about all this stuff) are VERY creative :)

mercoledì 8 giugno 2011

Lady Gaga learns American Sign Language to communicate with her deaf fans

"Lady Gaga has been inspired to take up ASL - American Sign Language - after watching YouTube clips of her deaf devotees signing along to her songs. 

Once she's mastered sign language she'll be able to respond to the videos that are online, and include signing in future live tours." By-line: The Sun

I don't know if she really cares or if it just Advertising, the important thing is that deaf people will feel included in Music. Lovely.

lunedì 6 giugno 2011

Salty air and a glass of wine. Una notte salata ed un bicchiere di vino.

Late at night. A cigarette is between my fingers and wine wets my lips.
Tonight there is something in the air, it is salty and full of wishes, remembers.

There are nights that seem just perfect to think.
Yesterday was a lie seems just perfect for this mood.

I just realised that what keeps me awake is not a lost opportunity or an unattainable wish,
but something I could obtain giving up everything else.

It hurts.

Notte fonda. Stringo tra medio ed indice una sigaretta mentre mi inumidisco le labbra con vino bianco.
L'aria e' salata stanotte ed e' piena di desideri, ricordi, rimpianti.

Ci sono notti che sembrano ideali per riflettere.
Yesterday was a lie sembra semplicemente perfetta in questo momento.

Ho appena realizzato che ciò' che mi tiene sveglia non e' un'opportunità' persa o un desiderio irrealizzabile, ma qualcosa che potrei ottenere sacrificando tutto il resto.

Decisamente una doccia fredda.

domenica 29 maggio 2011

Human truth

I realize I understood everything and nothing at the same time. 
All the analytic thinking I've done about the human behavior smash like a glass
when the human behavior show up. 

giovedì 26 maggio 2011

Be your friend personal journalist.

I'm attending a Master in Advertising in Bucks University in High Wycombe.
Today our assignment wash to convince somebody to visit our hometown (in my case Napoli). That is what I wrote.

Dear .....,

I guess that every city you have visited you have been always missing something. Pretty places where you can have everything but adventure.

In Napoli you can have art and food, history and adventure, beauty and misery.
And at least, you can figure out if what people say is true.

Napoli is famous for a lot f things but not for being boring.
Well, if you are looking for an experience and not just a vacation that is exactly what Napoli can offer to you.
Ant this is the perfect website where you can book your holiday (...)

domenica 8 maggio 2011

Biomimicry or when the Nature meets Humans

The idea of "biomimicry" is certainly not new: for much of the past decade, the notion of borrowing engineering solutions from the natural world has inspired architects, industrial designers and others. 

"Nissan, right now, is developing swarming cars based on the movements of schooling fish," says Chris Allen of the Biomimicry Institute. Fish follow ultra-simple mathematical rules, he explains, to ensure that they never collide with each other when swimming in groups. Borrow that algorithm for navigating cars and a new solution to congestion and road accidents presents itself: what if, in heavy traffic, auto-navigated cars could be programmed to avoid each other while continuing forwards as efficiently as possible?

The Bank of England is currently consulting biologists to explore ways in which organic immune systems might inspire reforms to the financial system to render it immune to devastating crises.

mercoledì 27 aprile 2011

Glass Obsession

Design Academy Eindhoven, Saskia van der Steen (o)

Yeah, I know, another pic of glass design, I know...But I can't stop!

However I don't think Glass is just an obsession of me. I see a lot Design pieces (on websites, thank you God they exist) and Glass is becoming increasingly popular. Maybe it's just an opinion of me, but I think Design now is focusing on being "clean" and light and on removing "obsolete" stuff.

It remembers me a Michelangelo Buonarroti's sentence: "Sculpture is the art of removing". (<- I translated it from italian, not sure translation is appropriate, however the meaning is the same).

lunedì 25 aprile 2011

It’s not you, it’s us.

 I lick your lips and I feel I just can’t stop. Then I pull gently your hairs, dividing our mouths.
You look at me, with and almost invisible smile on your face, unfortunately I can see it. It’ s too much.
-We need to break up. This is too much.
-Too much for who? -  She replies.
-For us.

THE silence.

I walk nervously in the room; my hands hide my face for a second.-You HAVE to understand. You HAD to recognize it. Our love it’s dangerous for itself, it’s dangerous for us.

Even if she is quiet, she doesn’t  smile no more. -I recognized we are just perfect together.
-Maybe you are too pure and naïve, of course you are.- Then I start shouting.
-It’s not you, it’s us. You are the perfume and I’m the fire. We can become just one thing. But we can just destroying everything. In one moment. Our love is too precious to be destroyed by inattention, but is real enough to be smashed by cruelty. Mine one.-
She looks at me, she understands, I think. However her eyes are cold and transparent like glass.
She walks outside the room. I start biting my lips until they bleed.

lunedì 18 aprile 2011

William and Kate wedding parody.

A simply hilarious video made for fun by T-Mobile...I just hope the Royal Family will appreciate it! ;p

domenica 3 aprile 2011


Do you remember the scandal about Toyota's car disease?
Well, they are trying to gain the confidence of consumers again, with a brilliant, striking campaign... 

lunedì 28 marzo 2011

I just realized I come from one of the msot corrupted countries...Italy...

Life Boundaries.

Some times ago I started wondering why there are rules, social rules.
Maybe I was in anarchic\rebel life phase, because I just decided there were no rules.
Everything was doable and instinct is everything.
For instance if you are with your friends and you see a very attractive guy, why not to leave your friends alone and go to him?

After a lot of friendship fails and misunderstanding I finally understood that our society is based on social rules that cannot be ignored if you want to have relationship. (Sometimes you just have to find some friends with your same specific mentality, but the number could be very little).

However I still think there are no rules, it just depends by what you want (money, sex, family...) and sometimes there are different rules to different topic (If you want to be VERY rich maybe you have to betray your friends and colleagues).

Human society is so complex and fascinating...

giovedì 17 marzo 2011

HP Stop motion Advertisment

One of the best spotmotion Adverts I ever seen! I just started laughing and dancing on my chair in the library (with predictable reaction by the other library guests).


lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

Biro Art...

...or the technique of realising drawnings that seem photographs.

Polo Pony 1- James Mylne

Forest Creek- Kitty Alea

Psycho- Allan Barbeau

Juan Francisco Casas

Shi- Boo Saville,

Theatre Royal- Ian Robinson

domenica 27 febbraio 2011

giovedì 24 febbraio 2011

Year of the beard.

A student filmmaker at Carleton College decided to grow his beard out for an entire year on a bet, and ended up taking a photo of himself every day and editing them into a time-lapse video. His video, "Year of the Beard", won second place in the school's film competition.

Even if it is great, we have to  remember it is a copy (maybe a fair copy) of the 5 year older video  by Noah Kalina:

"Noah takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years." 

Noah Kalina was and is very admired on the web -18458613 views- and he has a lot of followers, even Homer Simpson. 
"Homer takes a picture everyday for 39 years."


Lady Gaga for "Supreme"

domenica 20 febbraio 2011

Is homosexuality genetic?- L'omosessualità è genetica?

I just read a disgusting article by an Italian newspaper.
A really influent Italian vicar says: "Homosexuality is a problem that has to be cured in adolescence [...]. Our clinic can cure them."
My first thought was : "The only side effect of the cure is that guys will have suicide dispositions".

Moreover he says that they are able to "cure" this problem (homosexuality) more easily if the guys are young. Indeed he says that homosexuality is not genetic and it can be determined by the environment you live in.

I'm very upset.
 I think homosexuality is not a choice, you can't decide which gender attracts you.
A lot of animal species have homosexual  and bisexual behaviour; animals do what they feel, they just follow their instincts. I think it proves homosexuality is no genetic.
There are some proves of animals sexual behaviour here  Homosexual behavior in animals

It is a brilliant video where is asked to people: When did you choose to be straight?

Ho appena letto un articolo disgustoso su un giornale italiano Il Secolo XIX.
Un eminente membro della Chiesa afferma che "L’omosessualità è un problema che va estirpato ai primi sintomi attraverso sedute di psicoterapia".  "Il nostro consultorio familiare affronta parecchie volte questo tema (ndr La correzione dell'omosessualità) e ci riesce anche.
Il mio primo pensiero è stato: "L'unico effetto collaterale è che i ragazzi "curati" sviluppano tendenze suicide.

Inoltre afferma che è molto più semplice curare l'omosessualità durante l'adolescenza perché questa è indotta.
Sono sconvolta.
Stanno diffondendo notizie che sicuramente nuoceranno all'integrazione della comunità omosessuale.

Non si scegli l'orientamento sessuale, ne è la prova la presenza di omosessualità e bisessualità in parecchie specie di animali, che sicuramente non hanno lo spessore mentale per eleborare perversioni. Gli animali agiscono seguendo l'istinto. Nulla più.
Qui una lista delle specie che osservano questo comportamento Omosessualità negli Animali.

Giorni fa mi sono imbattuta in questo brillante video dove viene chiesto a dei passanti "Quando ai scelto di essere etero?".
Credo renda perfettamente l'idea. Homosexual behavior in animals

venerdì 18 febbraio 2011

Crazy funny video by 1975.

Object for Lonely Men- Noam Toran

If you saw the movie "À bout de souffle"this video will drive you crazy. However if the movie is new foryou, the video is very easy to understand and to be watched.

Hower the website where you can find it MoMa- Design and the Elastic Mind is great!

domenica 13 febbraio 2011

Deep Sleep Advertisments

 Puts even your worries to sleep. Shivam Handloom Deep Sleep Mattresses

Probably the best advertisment for a mattresses brand. In particular the Art Direction is great!
The author is  McCan Worldgroup, Mumbai, India.

sabato 12 febbraio 2011

Tall Painting

Holton Rower is avery talented artist from New York, unluckily we don't know a lot about him.

domenica 6 febbraio 2011

A tuesday in London.

My Uni class and me went to London to visit some museums (Sir John Soan, The British Museum and The Surgery-something). I felt as I was at school again, veeeeeery weird.

I just fall in love with bare trees, they are wooden sculptures.

We went in Cafè Rouge, there were some delightful drawns in it.

The British Museum...
This exposition represents people lives through all the medicines they took in their life, extremely fascinating.

domenica 30 gennaio 2011


You can have power, wealth, an attractive mate and virtually anything else you ever dreamed of – by selling your soul to Satan! But how?
You must know what you’re doing when you make the deal or Satan will cheat you blind. That’s the word from Dr. Rex Touth, expert on satanic rituals and author of How to Negotiate Unholy Contracts.
Dr. Touth cites cases dating all the way back to the 16th century in which humans have agreed to spend eternity in Hell when they die in exchange for earthly pleasures while they’re alive.
“Human history and world literature are teeming with stories like that of Germany’s Dr. Faustus who sold his soul,” says Dr. Touth. “Our own American statesman Daniel Webster once debated Satan in a landmark soul-selling case in which he renegotiated the contract and had it overturned.
“Thousands have gained riches and fulfilled their fantasies.”
Here are some tips from Dr. Touth on how you can take advantage of the same opportunity:
  1. SET THE DEAL UP PROPERLY. There’s a right and wrong way to make contact with the Devil. The right way is to be alone in your room, close your eyes and say, “Satan, I summon you. I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right.” It may take dozens, even hundreds of tries but at all costs, avoid sounding desperate or needy. He’ll show up eventually.
  2. DEAL FROM A POSITION OF POWER. By far the biggest mistake people make is to underestimate how badly Satan wants their soul. It’s like precious gold to him and he’ll pay anything to get it. When he appears, get him to make the first offer, then up it.
  3. GET THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Remember, you’re going to burn in Hell forever. So no matter how badly off you are now, demand the best. For instance, even if you feel unlovable and desperate with loneliness, don’t just say, “I want the most gorgeous woman on earth and I want her to be madly in love with me.” Instead, add, “In fact, throw in 100 other women as well so I can pick and choose according to my mood.”
  4. REMEMBER TO DEMAND THE LIFE-EXTENSION CLAUSE. Satan won’t tell you if you don’t ask but you can get a guarantee of 300 years of youthful life before you go to eternal damnation. Why enjoy a mere 75 or 80 years of reckless living when you can get 300?
Religious groups worldwide are trying to ban Dr. Touth’s book. (That's my favourite part!) “This kind of trash is spiritual dynamite,” says a spokesman for the North American Council of Churches and Synogogues. “We can’t, in good conscience, let people read how to destroy their almighty souls.”
But Dr. Touth says we should all be aware of the facts so we can make an informed decision. “It’s your soul,” he says. “Do waht you want with it.”

venerdì 28 gennaio 2011

Jim Beam lesbian commercial

I was just thinking: "Ok, ANOTHER commercial where they will use a lesbian kiss or something like that to sell...", and then...I just laughed! :)
Very very smart.

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie

A simple delightful video, realized with the Stop Motion technique (it is made by various photographs).

giovedì 27 gennaio 2011

Adobo Magazine campaign.

The market is full of juicy news, even if often people (like me until 1 hour ago) don't know it.

As an instance, I always though Hageen-Dazs's name came from Belgium or Denmark or...LIE!

The word Haagen Dazs does not mean anything in any language. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.

The funky Chupa-Chups logo was designed by none other than surrealist painter Salvador Dali. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.  
One of the world's most famous logo was designed for a mere 35 dollars by an art student. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.

It is like the time I discovered (that) Santa Claus character is a Coca-Cola company advertising idea...

mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011

More than 15 minutes of fame.

Here it is the Man (capital letter required) that best showed me how eating an hamburger. I promise you that after watching this video you will be desperately hungry...

Defined by many critics "the most brilliant mirror of our times", he portrayed society in a realistic and totally new way.
February 22th will be his death anniversary, even if his fame will never die.

domenica 23 gennaio 2011


 Ho appena realizzato che esistono vari tipi di dolore; sarebbe troppo facile, troppo semplice da capire, se ce ne fosse uno soltanto.
Quello che sa mascherarsi di meno quello di solito è causato da un lutto, immaginario o reale che sia.
E' il dolore di una madre: sordo, muto, improvviso, una tempesta che invece di sconvolgere le cose, le fa restare ferme, insopportabilmente uguali. Prima o poi passa, ma è paragonabile ad un pezzo di unghia nera che impiega molto per ricrescere; il nero si accinge a scomparire, ma il processo è lento e il "segno" rimane vivido a lungo.

Segue la negazione, la dura coesistenza di dolore e finzione. Si finge, si finge tutto il tempo, e anche male! Infatti si vorrebbe che qualcuno capisse, che tutti capissero, e che facessero qualcosa, chissà cosa poi. Di solito in questi casi non si vuole essere consolati, ma nemmeno ignorati.
In realtà si vorrebbe solo far capire qualcosa a sé stessi, solo che non si sa ancora cosa.

In seguito compare una sorta di autolesionismo; il dolore causato dalla comprensione del problema e del conoscerne la soluzione convincendosi però di non essere in grado di attuarla. Insomma é una benda sugli occhi che ci mettiamo da soli. Tutte dolci menzogne, che in quanto tali, solo all'inizio appaiono terapeutiche.

Successivamente la sofferenza è simile ad una crosta visibilmente prossima a cadere. E' composta da euforia, senso di libertà (sì; sì respira meglio) e tante altre belle cose. Ogni tanto si sbircia sotto la crosticina ma, visto che ormai è in superficie, non bisogna andare troppo a fondo per farlo.

Infine la crosta cade lasciando solo una cicatrice a ricordare che le ferite sanno guarire.

Schwarzenegger Commercial

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the protagonist of some HILARIOUS japanese commercials. Internet never forgets.

Il Governatore della California Arnold Schwarzenegger è protagonista di alcuni ESILARANTI spot per prodotti giapponesi. Internet non dimentica.

If I Were A Girl (Beyonce Parody)

That's the way.

Poorly Drawn Lines

This is exactly what makes me laugh. Loud.