domenica 30 gennaio 2011


You can have power, wealth, an attractive mate and virtually anything else you ever dreamed of – by selling your soul to Satan! But how?
You must know what you’re doing when you make the deal or Satan will cheat you blind. That’s the word from Dr. Rex Touth, expert on satanic rituals and author of How to Negotiate Unholy Contracts.
Dr. Touth cites cases dating all the way back to the 16th century in which humans have agreed to spend eternity in Hell when they die in exchange for earthly pleasures while they’re alive.
“Human history and world literature are teeming with stories like that of Germany’s Dr. Faustus who sold his soul,” says Dr. Touth. “Our own American statesman Daniel Webster once debated Satan in a landmark soul-selling case in which he renegotiated the contract and had it overturned.
“Thousands have gained riches and fulfilled their fantasies.”
Here are some tips from Dr. Touth on how you can take advantage of the same opportunity:
  1. SET THE DEAL UP PROPERLY. There’s a right and wrong way to make contact with the Devil. The right way is to be alone in your room, close your eyes and say, “Satan, I summon you. I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right.” It may take dozens, even hundreds of tries but at all costs, avoid sounding desperate or needy. He’ll show up eventually.
  2. DEAL FROM A POSITION OF POWER. By far the biggest mistake people make is to underestimate how badly Satan wants their soul. It’s like precious gold to him and he’ll pay anything to get it. When he appears, get him to make the first offer, then up it.
  3. GET THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Remember, you’re going to burn in Hell forever. So no matter how badly off you are now, demand the best. For instance, even if you feel unlovable and desperate with loneliness, don’t just say, “I want the most gorgeous woman on earth and I want her to be madly in love with me.” Instead, add, “In fact, throw in 100 other women as well so I can pick and choose according to my mood.”
  4. REMEMBER TO DEMAND THE LIFE-EXTENSION CLAUSE. Satan won’t tell you if you don’t ask but you can get a guarantee of 300 years of youthful life before you go to eternal damnation. Why enjoy a mere 75 or 80 years of reckless living when you can get 300?
Religious groups worldwide are trying to ban Dr. Touth’s book. (That's my favourite part!) “This kind of trash is spiritual dynamite,” says a spokesman for the North American Council of Churches and Synogogues. “We can’t, in good conscience, let people read how to destroy their almighty souls.”
But Dr. Touth says we should all be aware of the facts so we can make an informed decision. “It’s your soul,” he says. “Do waht you want with it.”

venerdì 28 gennaio 2011

Jim Beam lesbian commercial

I was just thinking: "Ok, ANOTHER commercial where they will use a lesbian kiss or something like that to sell...", and then...I just laughed! :)
Very very smart.

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie

A simple delightful video, realized with the Stop Motion technique (it is made by various photographs).

giovedì 27 gennaio 2011

Adobo Magazine campaign.

The market is full of juicy news, even if often people (like me until 1 hour ago) don't know it.

As an instance, I always though Hageen-Dazs's name came from Belgium or Denmark or...LIE!

The word Haagen Dazs does not mean anything in any language. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.

The funky Chupa-Chups logo was designed by none other than surrealist painter Salvador Dali. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.  
One of the world's most famous logo was designed for a mere 35 dollars by an art student. Learn more about the world of advertising, read Adobo Magazine.

It is like the time I discovered (that) Santa Claus character is a Coca-Cola company advertising idea...

mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011

More than 15 minutes of fame.

Here it is the Man (capital letter required) that best showed me how eating an hamburger. I promise you that after watching this video you will be desperately hungry...

Defined by many critics "the most brilliant mirror of our times", he portrayed society in a realistic and totally new way.
February 22th will be his death anniversary, even if his fame will never die.

domenica 23 gennaio 2011


 Ho appena realizzato che esistono vari tipi di dolore; sarebbe troppo facile, troppo semplice da capire, se ce ne fosse uno soltanto.
Quello che sa mascherarsi di meno quello di solito è causato da un lutto, immaginario o reale che sia.
E' il dolore di una madre: sordo, muto, improvviso, una tempesta che invece di sconvolgere le cose, le fa restare ferme, insopportabilmente uguali. Prima o poi passa, ma è paragonabile ad un pezzo di unghia nera che impiega molto per ricrescere; il nero si accinge a scomparire, ma il processo è lento e il "segno" rimane vivido a lungo.

Segue la negazione, la dura coesistenza di dolore e finzione. Si finge, si finge tutto il tempo, e anche male! Infatti si vorrebbe che qualcuno capisse, che tutti capissero, e che facessero qualcosa, chissà cosa poi. Di solito in questi casi non si vuole essere consolati, ma nemmeno ignorati.
In realtà si vorrebbe solo far capire qualcosa a sé stessi, solo che non si sa ancora cosa.

In seguito compare una sorta di autolesionismo; il dolore causato dalla comprensione del problema e del conoscerne la soluzione convincendosi però di non essere in grado di attuarla. Insomma é una benda sugli occhi che ci mettiamo da soli. Tutte dolci menzogne, che in quanto tali, solo all'inizio appaiono terapeutiche.

Successivamente la sofferenza è simile ad una crosta visibilmente prossima a cadere. E' composta da euforia, senso di libertà (sì; sì respira meglio) e tante altre belle cose. Ogni tanto si sbircia sotto la crosticina ma, visto che ormai è in superficie, non bisogna andare troppo a fondo per farlo.

Infine la crosta cade lasciando solo una cicatrice a ricordare che le ferite sanno guarire.

Schwarzenegger Commercial

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the protagonist of some HILARIOUS japanese commercials. Internet never forgets.

Il Governatore della California Arnold Schwarzenegger è protagonista di alcuni ESILARANTI spot per prodotti giapponesi. Internet non dimentica.

If I Were A Girl (Beyonce Parody)

That's the way.

Poorly Drawn Lines

This is exactly what makes me laugh. Loud.

Amylase - Puppet Animation by studioSUPER!

This video freaks me out!

Morning mood: The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance °(*o*)°

Hallo dudeeee!
Today I'm going to draw a logo and I feel weird as the guy in the video who looks the salmon (and don't forget it, his friend), you know, totally estranged from reality but at the same very fascinated by my aim (the salmon).

(°_*') <-(I'll appear like this!).

I hope I didn't do too much mistakes... (:

Ciao belli!
Da questo momento in poi mi butterò a capofitto nell'ardua impresa di disegnare un logo (S. Gennaro aiutami tu). In tutto questo non ho il mouse quindi dovrò scontornare etc con solo il trackpad del computer...Mi sento come il ragazzino del video: affascinata ed estraniata dalla realtà.
Spero che i ceri accesi in questi anni (vedi S. Gennaro) servano a qualcosa.

Che la forza sia con voi.

sabato 22 gennaio 2011

Sharapova - Nike Commercial 'I feel pretty'

One of my favourite ads... (:

I fell in love with him today...

Giovanni Boldini (31 December 1842 – 11 July 1931) was an Italian genre and portrait painter, belonging to the School of Paris.

Giovanni Boldini (31 Dicembre  1842- 11 Luglio 1931) era  un pittore di matrice purista e ritrattista, appartente alla School of Paris.

R u human??

The orange t-shirt guy...O_x

George Carlin on Our Similarities

I seriously loved this man...

Joseph Beat Box

Joseph Beat Box (France) is beat box a phenomenon. He can reproduce 3 different sounds at the same time; like an human mixer...

Yo brò!