lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

Biro Art...

...or the technique of realising drawnings that seem photographs.

Polo Pony 1- James Mylne

Forest Creek- Kitty Alea

Psycho- Allan Barbeau

Juan Francisco Casas

Shi- Boo Saville,

Theatre Royal- Ian Robinson

domenica 27 febbraio 2011

giovedì 24 febbraio 2011

Year of the beard.

A student filmmaker at Carleton College decided to grow his beard out for an entire year on a bet, and ended up taking a photo of himself every day and editing them into a time-lapse video. His video, "Year of the Beard", won second place in the school's film competition.

Even if it is great, we have to  remember it is a copy (maybe a fair copy) of the 5 year older video  by Noah Kalina:

"Noah takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years." 

Noah Kalina was and is very admired on the web -18458613 views- and he has a lot of followers, even Homer Simpson. 
"Homer takes a picture everyday for 39 years."


Lady Gaga for "Supreme"

domenica 20 febbraio 2011

Is homosexuality genetic?- L'omosessualità è genetica?

I just read a disgusting article by an Italian newspaper.
A really influent Italian vicar says: "Homosexuality is a problem that has to be cured in adolescence [...]. Our clinic can cure them."
My first thought was : "The only side effect of the cure is that guys will have suicide dispositions".

Moreover he says that they are able to "cure" this problem (homosexuality) more easily if the guys are young. Indeed he says that homosexuality is not genetic and it can be determined by the environment you live in.

I'm very upset.
 I think homosexuality is not a choice, you can't decide which gender attracts you.
A lot of animal species have homosexual  and bisexual behaviour; animals do what they feel, they just follow their instincts. I think it proves homosexuality is no genetic.
There are some proves of animals sexual behaviour here  Homosexual behavior in animals

It is a brilliant video where is asked to people: When did you choose to be straight?

Ho appena letto un articolo disgustoso su un giornale italiano Il Secolo XIX.
Un eminente membro della Chiesa afferma che "L’omosessualità è un problema che va estirpato ai primi sintomi attraverso sedute di psicoterapia".  "Il nostro consultorio familiare affronta parecchie volte questo tema (ndr La correzione dell'omosessualità) e ci riesce anche.
Il mio primo pensiero è stato: "L'unico effetto collaterale è che i ragazzi "curati" sviluppano tendenze suicide.

Inoltre afferma che è molto più semplice curare l'omosessualità durante l'adolescenza perché questa è indotta.
Sono sconvolta.
Stanno diffondendo notizie che sicuramente nuoceranno all'integrazione della comunità omosessuale.

Non si scegli l'orientamento sessuale, ne è la prova la presenza di omosessualità e bisessualità in parecchie specie di animali, che sicuramente non hanno lo spessore mentale per eleborare perversioni. Gli animali agiscono seguendo l'istinto. Nulla più.
Qui una lista delle specie che osservano questo comportamento Omosessualità negli Animali.

Giorni fa mi sono imbattuta in questo brillante video dove viene chiesto a dei passanti "Quando ai scelto di essere etero?".
Credo renda perfettamente l'idea. Homosexual behavior in animals

venerdì 18 febbraio 2011

Crazy funny video by 1975.

Object for Lonely Men- Noam Toran

If you saw the movie "À bout de souffle"this video will drive you crazy. However if the movie is new foryou, the video is very easy to understand and to be watched.

Hower the website where you can find it MoMa- Design and the Elastic Mind is great!

domenica 13 febbraio 2011

Deep Sleep Advertisments

 Puts even your worries to sleep. Shivam Handloom Deep Sleep Mattresses

Probably the best advertisment for a mattresses brand. In particular the Art Direction is great!
The author is  McCan Worldgroup, Mumbai, India.

sabato 12 febbraio 2011

Tall Painting

Holton Rower is avery talented artist from New York, unluckily we don't know a lot about him.

domenica 6 febbraio 2011

A tuesday in London.

My Uni class and me went to London to visit some museums (Sir John Soan, The British Museum and The Surgery-something). I felt as I was at school again, veeeeeery weird.

I just fall in love with bare trees, they are wooden sculptures.

We went in Cafè Rouge, there were some delightful drawns in it.

The British Museum...
This exposition represents people lives through all the medicines they took in their life, extremely fascinating.