domenica 29 maggio 2011

Human truth

I realize I understood everything and nothing at the same time. 
All the analytic thinking I've done about the human behavior smash like a glass
when the human behavior show up. 

giovedì 26 maggio 2011

Be your friend personal journalist.

I'm attending a Master in Advertising in Bucks University in High Wycombe.
Today our assignment wash to convince somebody to visit our hometown (in my case Napoli). That is what I wrote.

Dear .....,

I guess that every city you have visited you have been always missing something. Pretty places where you can have everything but adventure.

In Napoli you can have art and food, history and adventure, beauty and misery.
And at least, you can figure out if what people say is true.

Napoli is famous for a lot f things but not for being boring.
Well, if you are looking for an experience and not just a vacation that is exactly what Napoli can offer to you.
Ant this is the perfect website where you can book your holiday (...)

domenica 8 maggio 2011

Biomimicry or when the Nature meets Humans

The idea of "biomimicry" is certainly not new: for much of the past decade, the notion of borrowing engineering solutions from the natural world has inspired architects, industrial designers and others. 

"Nissan, right now, is developing swarming cars based on the movements of schooling fish," says Chris Allen of the Biomimicry Institute. Fish follow ultra-simple mathematical rules, he explains, to ensure that they never collide with each other when swimming in groups. Borrow that algorithm for navigating cars and a new solution to congestion and road accidents presents itself: what if, in heavy traffic, auto-navigated cars could be programmed to avoid each other while continuing forwards as efficiently as possible?

The Bank of England is currently consulting biologists to explore ways in which organic immune systems might inspire reforms to the financial system to render it immune to devastating crises.