sabato 17 settembre 2011

Facebook Subscribe button or "How FB copies Twitter"

Apparently Facebook is trying to become more similar to Twitter, his competitor.

Indeed FB introduced the "Subscribe Button" that permits to follow the statuses and the pics of celebrities and people we admire but we are not (FB) friends of.
And this is kind of exactly what Twitter does, isn't it? Twitter permits you to follow posts, photos and links of people you don't know directly and also of people you know.

Now the question: How Twitter will react to this?

venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Google Traslator beat-boxes! :D

This is somthing that enlightened my afternoon! 
Go to this link, press  "listen" and you'll hear Google beatboxing! :)|de|pv%20zk%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%20kz%20zk%20pv%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%20zk%20pzk%20pzk%20pvzkpkzvpvzk%20kkkkkk%20bsch%0A%0A

I  guess how this kind of weird miracles could be used in useful ways..! :)
Looking for ispiration

martedì 13 settembre 2011

My possibly neverending wallpaper

The original photo

Web series: how Advertising will approach this?

A web series is a series of episodes released on the Internet or also by mobile or cellular phone (Wikipedia).
Web series are a new reason to avoid buying a TV. They are free, they are fun and they are available in every moment of the day. Waiting hours to see the favourite program looks old as B/W Television was.

 One successful example of Web series is  Lisa Kudrow’s latest deconstruction of 21st-century self-absorption, “Web Therapy,” which just resumed its third. But you’re probably not reading or hearing about them anywhere but online.

An episode of Web Therapy with Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox (who were both in the TV serie "Friends")
 I was looking on the web to find the 1st episode and I found this link (I found some others at this  link). HILARIOUS.

The first Advert connected to this show is a questionnaire to fill to unlock the episode.
It gives the chance to win an Apple product but is diminish the desire to watch the episode. 
It made me realize there should be smarter adverts connected to webseries, that are growing very fastly. For instance, they could easily target students, who don't have money to buy a television (not provided by most of the students' campuses) and watch hundreds of episodes streaming online.

Another form of Advertising through Series are banners; I don't think they work for me because yes, they make me aware of the Advertised Brand, but is it enough? There is no emotional connection at all.

There are more news about Web series here on these website