martedì 16 agosto 2011

Dissertation Perfect Music

August 16th. I'm veeeeery depressed about it. In some way this song cheers me up. Maybe there is still hope...

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011

Dissertation time or "How to kill your creativity asking you to copy references"

August 10th. Napoli. It's bloody warm
Ourside my wondow I can see any cars. Everybody is swimming somewhere and comparing their tans.
My Mac is playing this song and I feel like a character of a CLint Eastwood movie and the bad is my Dissertation. You little bastard. Until you are alive I cannot join the sun.

And of course my mother is a professor and she keeps editing my Dissertation, everyday some new grammar corrections. I feel  adolescent again. The istinct of playing the game is SO strong.

Sad thing is my Dissertation topic is about In-Game Advertising, both fun elements!
English Dissertations can make boring even games :(

Today I was looking at a "Best selling games list" but unlucklily, I found two versions of the same facts on 2 different websties and I cannot access to the orginal source. I felt like a kid during his arents'sdivorce: I was not able to understand who to believe to!!

Wish me good luck please! I'll need it...